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character of line中文是什么意思

用"character of line"造句"character of line"怎么读"character of line" in a sentence


  • 线的属性


  • Referring to the idea of association matrix in electrical network theory and combining character of line - loss computing , the association matrix a , which is a key step to transfer electrical model to math model , is designed
    借鉴电网络理论中关联矩阵的概念,结合配网理论线损计算的特点,构造出关联矩阵a 。这是将庞大而复杂的电气模型(网络接线图)转换成数学模型的关键。
  • This paper analyses the transient character of line fault when the neutral point connects to ground in different ways . from the angle of signal processing , the wavelet packet analysis theory is introduced to selecting fault , in which the fault character is not the steady signal but the transient signal
  • This paper analyses the steady and transient character of line fault when the neutral point connects to ground in different ways . from the angle of signal processing , the wavelet analysis theory and the artificial neural networks are introduced to fault location , in which the fault character is not the steady signal but the transient signal
用"character of line"造句  
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